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            Welcome to Nongmaotong!
            Jingning county Jing source fruit and vegetable presevation Co.Ltd
            Home Supplier Jingning county Jing source fruit and vegetable presevation Co.Ltd Supplier product Product detail

            Product name:Red Fuji

            Unit Price:$3.9-7.6


            Product detail

            Fuji apple is characterized by a large, red, round shape, the average size of a baseball. The fruit, which is 9-11% monosaccharide by weight and has a dense flesh that is sweeter and crisper than many other apple varieties, is popular with consumers around the world. Fuji apples have a longer best-before date than other apples and don't even need to be refrigerated. Keep them at room temperature for 4 months, and in the fridge for 5 to 7 months.

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